Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hey Daniel


Cya L8er

Thursday, April 5, 2007


3/5/07 - Press release sent out, establish finance procedures, $25 fee due

3/8/07 - Construction and lighting plans finalized, material list compiled, UCF focused press release, $25 FEES DUE!

3/9/07 - Label information compiled, sales price list etc, distribution of material list

3/10/07-3/18/07 - SPRING BREAK

3/14/07-3/22/07 - Distribute flags

3/20/07 - Home Depot materials shopping list finalized

3/22/07 - Trip to Home Depot, sign up driver list, pick up wall-framing materials

3/23/07 - Pre-cut lumber to length

3/25/07 - Load in materials to 801

3/26/07 - INSTALL, posts in ground, framing for partitions, drywall hung

3/27/07 - INSTALL, drywall seamed, electrical work, paint

3/28/07 - INSTALL, pick up generator, lay sod

3/29/07 - INSTALL, work on walls etc (MORNING)

3/29/07-3/31/07 - EXPOSED: A 30-Artist Takeover

4/1/07 - Load out of 801

Sunday, April 1, 2007

350 Photos

I uploaded the photos I took from the event.


If anyone wants some full size originals just contact me.

It might be a good idea to set up a flickr account, you can download free tools that make uploading easy as a drag and drop from your desktop or iPhoto. Plus, we can pool them all together from separate accounts.


I have a few pictures on the site so far... more to come.

Event Photos

If any of you have photos you took from the show and would like them on the website, please send them to me, or upload them to the photobucket site and let me know. The password to upload files on the site is ucfbfa07. I have a lot of installation pictures and pics of people in front of their work already but if you really want yours up instead of mine I'll switch them out, it doesnt matter to me.