Thursday, April 5, 2007


3/5/07 - Press release sent out, establish finance procedures, $25 fee due

3/8/07 - Construction and lighting plans finalized, material list compiled, UCF focused press release, $25 FEES DUE!

3/9/07 - Label information compiled, sales price list etc, distribution of material list

3/10/07-3/18/07 - SPRING BREAK

3/14/07-3/22/07 - Distribute flags

3/20/07 - Home Depot materials shopping list finalized

3/22/07 - Trip to Home Depot, sign up driver list, pick up wall-framing materials

3/23/07 - Pre-cut lumber to length

3/25/07 - Load in materials to 801

3/26/07 - INSTALL, posts in ground, framing for partitions, drywall hung

3/27/07 - INSTALL, drywall seamed, electrical work, paint

3/28/07 - INSTALL, pick up generator, lay sod

3/29/07 - INSTALL, work on walls etc (MORNING)

3/29/07-3/31/07 - EXPOSED: A 30-Artist Takeover

4/1/07 - Load out of 801


Big Wedge said...

Why are we waiting sooo long to build?

Big Wedge said...

Who finalized the calendar?

Big Wedge said...

Steve, If you read this, let's get together and pick up the supplies. we can put everything in the sculpture room.

Melanie Mitchell said...

theo wrote the calendar. i just posted what he wrote up.

Big Wedge said...

I'm not waiting that long... We need to get this built asap, to iron out the kinks and make it as perfect as possible. Anyone from the building/lighting group, that's still in town, can come out and help. We only need about five to eight people, tops. Do we talk to Carson for money? Is he still out of town? Cause we can pick up the supplies whenever, and maybe do some prefab work if we can't get into the building down there..

jscar said...

carson is back in town, but i don't think he checks this often. i'll let him know there is biznass to take care of. or you can contact him at