Thursday, March 1, 2007

Official Exhibition Title

Hey everyone, I know we are all sending out information about the show and I wanted to make sure all the titles are written the same because there are a few version floating around on the blog. The official way we decided to write the title in class was Exposed: A 30- Artist Takeover (with the number 30 and a hyphen).


Nicolette Ross said...

I don't think we are using the hyphen. It is not on any of the flyers and flags.


Gina Rodriguez said...

I know people were not including the hyphen but I spoke to Theo about it and he thought we had agree to use the hyphen because it looks more professional. So, I hope it is not to late to add the hyphen to the flags and flyers.

Daniel said...

It's okay, even Hollywood had to correct itself when it released "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" without the first hyphen on its movie posters. The title was corrected for the DVD release, to the relief of grammar sticklers everywhere.

Hayley said...

i agree, we should include the hyphen from now on, wherever we can.

jessica said...

the majority of the two flyers i made up will be printed by class on tuesday. for those of you who have not seen them, sorry i didnt post them on the blog i couldnt figure out how to attach an image. i also changed the subtitle to 30-artist instead of thirty artist. for the shiny black flyer i am printing most of them with our names on the back and about 20 (if we need more, not a problem) without our names on the back so those can be mailers...but ill just bring them all to class on tuesday.

Kretzer said...

If we don't use the hyphen, I fucking quit!