Monday, March 26, 2007

See the fun you're missing?


Kretzer said...

looks bad ass. sorry I had to miss it, and probably miss all the other times, since I have to still finish my work for the show.

Hayley said...

lame excuse!

it does look awesome though.

Kretzer said...
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Kretzer said...


Steve Naumann said...

That guy standing in the hole looks awesome! Who would dig such a ridiculously huge hole?

Nargges said...

Looks GRRRRREAT, I'm so proud and excited being part of this. Gooood job guys.

Mike Schweizer said...

Aside from the photo of the horrible cacodemon being unleashed from its exile of nearly 4000 years from underneath a large rock, looks like a good time was had by all. Now, death and damnation will soon follow, obviously...