Friday, March 9, 2007


Alright, I made thumbnails.

There are 24 here. I have EVERYONE who is on the photobucket. SO, if you don't see your image, that's why.

If you don't notify me here that you are sending one to Becky and your image will be up...I don't know, there's no way for me to add you.

Do we care that there are only 24 instead of "30"? I think we should get as close to 30 as possible. But I'm not going to go out of my way to make anyone else put their images up...we have had what...2 months or something to put our images up? So, yeah.


Hayley said...

it looks really good. but i think you are right about trying to get as close to 30 images as possible. maybe if you don't get any more new submissions you could just double up artists that have already posted pictures.

Melanie Mitchell said...

OH! Also, Jonathan, I need that statement.

Gina Rodriguez said...

I think you are missing some because I know some of the 3D people submitted there work along time go because I remember seeing them on photobucket and I was one of them

Mat Tom said...

I see 3D stuff in there, Gina.

Aren't you in the bottom right corner?

jessiemason said...

yah it looks perfect

Melanie Mitchell said...

Gina, you're there. So are Ryan and Sarah...just not Crystal, she never submitted to the Photobucket.

Amanda said...

it looks great melanie! yeah.. i think the more the merrier... but if people don't send them in... i wouldn't worry...

Nargges said...

I've sent mine to Becky March 7th. I think I saw them in her presentation in the class.

mike_repp said...

looks great.