Friday, March 9, 2007

Rollins Radio Talkshow!!

Hey everyone!
I was just informed of an exciting opportunity that I think we should definately take advantage of!
Kristen Stone at WPRK Rollins Radio just called me asking if we would like to be guests on her show to talk about the exhibition, when/why we are doing it etc. etc.!!! She is also putting together a PSA for us that will be read several times over the next few weeks.

There are a few time slots that we can pick from (to be guests on her show):

Tuesday March 13th (during a talkshow) 12:30pm-1:00pm
Thursday March 15th (during a music show) 8:00am-10:00am
Thursday March 22nd (during a music show) 8:00am-10:00am
Thursday March 27th (during a music show) 8:00am-10:00am

This means that we need to decide what date we will do it and who will be willing to go on the air and promote the exhibition. I need volunteers so I can let her know ASAP.

Let me know what you think and if you are willing to do it!


Melanie Mitchell said...

The 27th is a it Tuesday the 27th or Thursday the 29th? But if we can do more than one, we should do the 3rd and 4th options. If only one option...then I want to know if it's Tuesday or Thursday for the 4th option. And I already told you I am willing, so long as we either know what the person is going to be asking us or we put together something to say.

Nicolette Ross said...

ahhh. Im sorry. I will find out whether it is the 27th or the 29th. I am thinking she meant Tuesday the 27th because she knows our exhibition is on the 29th.
I will make sure of this.

She said that we could pretty much dictate what is going to be said. Any Q&A would be discussed with her before the show so there is no surprises. She just wants us to give the info, why we are doing it, and what issues are being addressed.

Theo said...

Excellent opportunity!!

Kretzer said...

I'll volunteer to go on the show.

Mark Brinton said...

I volunteer Chris to get exposed on the show

jessiemason said...

heh heh uhh maybe we should have someone not so insane on the show =)

Daniel said...

Chris would be great. I'd love to join him, but I would fumble words, or talk at the same time as other people, or do other things that would not transfer well on the air. I've been to the WPRK basement before, though. it's so relaxed there.

Unknown said...

i volunteer for the show as well, but if other people want to do it, that's fine. i'm here all week, just let me know what/when it's going to happen. (i agree that it should be later, not sooner.)

Hayley said...
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Hayley said...

i think nikki should go too. (if she wants to) since she got us the connection with the station in the first place.

Mark Brinton said...

Plus Chris and Nikki have those beautiful soothing voices. wink wink

Kretzer said...

Mark has a point, Niki & I do have beautiful soothing voices.

And YES, I will be wearing pants on the show.

Kretzer said...

Correction: Nikki

Nicolette Ross said...

ahem. It's Nickie. and I am NOT really interested in being on the air, no matter how nice my voice is. eee! Plus I have work on thursday mornings! hah

I agree also that the time slot that we pick should be later than sooner. Either the 22nd or the 27th (if it is available, still unsure about the 27th/29th confusion). I will try to get a hold of her again to clear this up.

I think Melanie has a great voice.....and she is willing.