Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Radio Show Update! Vote ASAP!

I have new news on the Rollins Radio show dates. It seems that everyone agrees that choosing a time slot that is later, is better than choosing one that is sooner........so the time slots that we need to pick from are:

Thursday March 22nd 8am-10am (during a music show)

Tuesday March 27th 12:30pm-1:00pm (during a talkshow).

I must let Kristen know which time slot we want. I would like to get back with her TOMORROW (March 14th) to let her know!

We can figure out who is definately going on the air - at a later time.

I will NOT be available to go on the air. I have work tues/thurs so I cannot choose.

Which times are good for those of you who are interested in being on the show? (Chris?, Melanie?, _________?)

Please post your comments and vote on a date ASAP.


jessiemason said...

I think its would be better on a music show but that just me

Amanda said...

i think the music show might be better too.. but do you have any idea which show gets more listeners?

Mark Brinton said...

Doing the interview (or whatever it is) during a talk show will sound less like a commercial than if it was between music.

Plus, people are a lot less likely to change the station during a talk show if they are already listening. Based on my habits anyway.

Kretzer said...

stupid question: can we do both?

It's hard to say which would be best for us, how many rollins kids are up that early that are listening to the radio and not in class?

Right now, with the little information we have, I'd have to go with the talk show.

But it sure would be funny for us to support the show inbetween two hip hop songs.

Nicolette Ross said...

We can only do one, so we have to choose the date.
There are pros to both of the dates.
I think ultimately the music show will be the best. Lots of students and people on their way to work listen to the morning show, so there is potential for a bigger-younger audience. On past playlists she has played Radiohead, Ladytron, Neutral Milk Hotel, Mogwai, Rufus Wainwright etcetc.
The pro to the Tuesday 22nd talkshow is that it is the same week as the exhibition (fresher in listener's memories).

I know that both timeslots will allow for a little Q&A, so it won't end up sounding like a commercial in between music.

Do remember that we have a PSA that will be read several times as well.

Chris, can you make it on the morning of the 22nd? 27th? Whatever we decide I need to know that at least 2 people are willing to do it and are available.

Melanie Mitchell said...

Chris and I have Andy's class during the Thursday slot and I have Dr. Martin's class during the Tuesday slot.

I'm willing to go on Thursday.

Sean and I ALWAYS listen to WPRK on our way to school. I think that slot gets a LOT of listeners.

Kretzer said...

I have no problem skipping class for this.

Nargges said...

I go with talk show slot. Closer to our show. Fresher info. & better slot for Q&A.
I also recommend Jon Scarboro for the representative, if he can, of course.

Nicolette Ross said...

I am going to go ahead and book our guest spot on Thursday March 22nd (8am-10am) during the music show, since I have to let Kristen know today.

It seems that we will get the broadest and largest audience at this time. Its a done deal!

Chris and Melanie have said that they could represent us on the air, but is there anyone else interested in being a guest on the radio at this time??

jessiemason said...

if you need me im also free at that time if you think people can understand my michigan-canadian accent =)

oh and i think scarboro has done enough already haha

Kretzer said...

that sounds good nicolette.

I'm available then to do the talk show.

Just let me know of the details when you get them.

Nicolette Ross said...

I have notified Kristen about the timeslot that was chosen. She is excited and I hope you all are too!

To whoever is interested in going (i.e. Melanie and Chris and whoever else) :
you should probably let her know an approximate time when you will show up at the station that morning. She says you can come anytime between 8 am and 10 am. She will play music until you arrive. We need to give her some idea about what will be discussed during the Q&A/promo so she can prepare as well.

If you want, we can wait until Tuesday to discuss this in class, and then email her the info that night.

Melanie Mitchell said...

I think we should discuss this in class.