Saturday, March 24, 2007


Jack is willing to help out with DJ-ing. But, he realized the weekend is the same as the UCF Universal event and I think he was planning to go to that, so he's a little disappointed he would be missing it...and if we want him for all three nights it's going to be a lot of work for him to bring all his equipment there and back and spend every night there all night, so he's asking for compensation. I told him I had no idea what anyone was going to say about that and I doubted it would be very much because we are already on a tight budget...and frankly I have no idea what is even a large or small amount to pay someone for such a favor.

Thoughts, suggestions??? We need to get back to him ASAP before we lose him to the Universal event!


Hayley said...

can we just get him for friday night?
i think that would be the most important time for him to be there.

Kretzer said...

yeah. we only need him for friday night.

the other nights, people can just be bored. who cares.

Sean said...

The point of having the reception on Friday is to spread word of mouth fro Saturday. We should have music for Friday and Saturday, Thursday not so much.

Hayley said...

at this point i feel like any day is better than no day at all.

Melanie Mitchell said...

ok, now he said not to worry about the money, he wants to support us and if he can't make it one night, charles can come in his place.

ALSO, chris, i know steve called you to ask if we could use your pa system, but jack does have one, he was just asking if the site already had one so he wouldn't have to bring his...i think he was confused at first as to where we were doing this.

anyway, sounds like everything is all worked out.