Monday, February 19, 2007

Construction is Fun!

Hey! After much deliberation: Going to the salvage on Monday at 6:00ish is bad for many. How about Tues 12ish? I can fit 4 (including me) in my Jeep and will be happy to drive. (407) 758-2118


Sarah Alderman said...
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Sarah Alderman said...

O.K. So! We are leaving at 3:00 and will go to the thing at 6:30 from U-save. I can hold one more person. We will meet behind the sculpture studio. Call me if you are interested.

Big Wedge said...

I just looked at the floor plan and I'm thinkin of space issues... I WANTS my STUMPS in there! I think we should all keep an eye out for lazy people, and bump there stuff if it came down to a territory battle.. :) I have no problem raping and pilaging to get some floor space! Muahaha! If worst comes to worst, I think we can still split the class in half and make two shows...?

Big Wedge said...

Lol, I used the wrong "there". Shoulda been "their".. Who gives a crap :)