Thursday, February 15, 2007


Here's a space to discuss things worth discussing, all style.


jessiemason said...

Here are some ideas we came up with so far

- Use the windows of the building to advertise the show, mylar letters spelling "exposed"
- Scattering small sections of sod around downtown or campus, mow words into the sod or attach flyer to it
- Scattering construction items (nails, bricks) with flyers attatched with string
- Large poster stickers each one with a different picture of a contruction item or the area itself
posted around
- Dirt suspended between mylar or in a plastic bag so it moves around when you hold it, maybe have the flyer inside or attached
- Put spray adhesive on flyers then sprinkle dirt on it
- Um not sure if i got this right, advertisement for the show on platform shoes, or use shoes as a stamp, as in footsteps leading to the show?
- Pressure wash clean words into dirty sidewalks
- Stained words in dirt

Things to think about
- "exposed"
- new artists
- important individuals to target
- regular people on the street
- where to advertise

Melanie Mitchell said...

Ok, I made an example for what could be a flyer. We discussed using a transparency or mylar with an image on it that resembled dirt or sand (or any other materials that may be found at the site) with the show information attached underneath. You would flip up the transparency to reveal or EXPOSE the information.

Note: This was just a generalized, rushed example. No fonts or images are finalized or discussed or thoroughly thought out-- any changes can be made. This is specifically designed to spurn on ideas and discussion.

This would be the top (the word "EXPOSED" can be shown by cropping out the image in the area where the word is. I would prefer the letters to be butted up to the image so the letters are outlined by the image, but didn't have time to do that for this example):

This would be the inside once the transparency were lifted:

(I tried every tag I know to make an image work, I don't think Blogger allows image tags in comments, sorry.)

Also, I would like to elaborate on the idea of the patches of sod with information. We could print little cards or flags with information on them and stick them into the sod on some sort of stick or rod and have it resemble the flags/cards you see in grass when fertilizer, etc. has been used.

Hayley said...

i like the sod idea too. i think we have to be prepared to have the sod only last a few days before having it dry out and look gross. it might be the sort of thing we can set up as installations around campus and other points of interest around town. theres also the possibility of having the flags be take away fliers. how can we tie the word exposed into the ideas involving sod?

i like the flyer on mylar idea. it might get pricey. maybe we can see what art systems can do for us. also i think how we fasten the mylar to the second sheet of paper can get really interesting. staples, rivets etc.

when theo first described our group, he said "stunts." i think we need to start thinking a little more outside of traditional flyer methods. anyone have any ideas for the windows?

Mike Schweizer said...

I like where the flyer's going...for the first thread show, we made up some really nice handmade pamphlets for people to take with them that included a vellum inlay. It was inkjet printable, so we wound up printing most of them out on a personal printer.

However, yeah, I agree with Hayley...seems like that's more for typical promotion. Melanie's idea about the flag is great...I actually thought of those flags that are used to show where cable lines, telephone lines, whatever, are buried. Could screenprint info on those. Anyone know where we could get some?

I'm going to Skycraft today to look around and get some ideas. I'll bring back any ideas I get.

Melanie Mitchell said...

They sell those flags at home depot in huge packs. My dad always has a ton of them (he's a landscape architect) and that's where he gets them. They're really cheap.

jessica said...

hayley said: how can we tie the word exposed into the ideas involving sod?

i think it could involve something with the sunlight, like a plant growing out of the dirt with the sun shining on it. maybe we should make up some sketches?

im still trying to think of what we could do as fas a guerrilla tactics are concerned

jessica said...

i typed in exposed under images in google and copied links of images that may give us ideas...

Hayley said...

something to think about:

here are some websites that carry the utility flags we were talking about..

jessica said...

an idea: we should go down to the space and take pictures of the 'exposed' walls and floors, and incorporate those images into a poster/flyer

Melanie Mitchell said...


Printed 15” Wire Staff Flag (2.5” X 3.5”)
$57.00 per box of 1000

Do we need 1000? I don't think so. BUT, if we prefer to just have some company print them for us so we don't have to worry about that, this is a great way to go. If everyone in class donated $2-3, we would cover it. $2 from 30 people makes enough money without tax, so, this is easily feasible. Hopefully everyone is keeping track of this post and not just our group, but we should bring this up tomorrow at the site.

Melanie Mitchell said...

NOTE: I think we need to call them to find out if we can request special messages to be printed. I'm almost certain we can from the Blackburn website...and I think what it says is that there is a $17 set-up charge for that...or something.

At any rate, I had clicked "purchase now" at so that I could find out the total with shipping and tax and there were only a few options to select for printing, no option to insert text. So this is something we need to find out about.

Melanie Mitchell said...

I just sent Blackburn the following email:
I was wondering if I could have a special message printed on utility flags. I don't want any preprinted flags. Can you print anything on these flags for me? How small can the font be/is there one standard font size? Is there an extra fee for printing new messages that you don't already have/what is it? What is the cost for 1000 printed flags and shipping? If you can do this for me, how long would it take to print these and ship them to Orlando, FL if I were to make my order by next week?


cristina_o said...

i'm also a big fan of the sod/flag ideas. my only concern about it is the size of the print. these are rather small flags and the less words it takes to get our message out the easier it will be for passerbys to see.
if this is an idea that we really want to follow through on we need to think of the most efficient way to use that space. we should start thinking about all the information we are going to need these flags to contain.
also, are we going to want to use full chunks of sod? i think its a good idea for around campus and downtown, but we can also incorporate this sod idea for small places of business. home depot and lowes sell glass plugs that are roughly 3x3 chunks of glass. we can stick flags in these and have small business, park ave cds, austins, etc... have them at their checkout counter.

Melanie Mitchell said...

We can just stick the flags in the ground anywhere, like you would normally with them. We don't need to buy anything else.

--Also, Hayley and I discussed today what could be on the flags. If there isn't enough room for all the pertinent information, we thought about the idea of making a webpage that just shows information on dates, directions, etc and the flags can just have web addresses on them. Also, if we go ahead with printing 1000, people can easily pick these up and keep them.



Hayley said...

i think if at all possible we should have a website no matter what. it would be good to show what artists are being included and give a synopsis of whats going on.

jessiemason said...

Great idea about the website thing, also if we printed it ourselves we could print one word on each to create a sentance using the flags. Also, a bunch of flags in a row would cause more people to look. But right now I opt for the website printed on the flag, like you guys said, it could be a souvenier or reminder

jessiemason said...

Sorry guys, I thought the class was meeting at the site =\

Melanie Mitchell said...

I called Blackburn. I'll just share what I found out tonight though. BUT, everything sounds like it will work out. We just have to make a complete decision if we're going to do this and figure out how this is going to be paid for. I have an idea and I know how much everything will cost, so we can discuss this tonight.