Monday, February 26, 2007

postcard flyer ideas

Photobucket Album


Lauren said...

Here are some photos I took of the idea I was talking about. I edited some of them with photoshop filters just to experiment with the different looks. Let me know what you think. Hopefully I can print them by tomorrow, so we can get a closer look in class.

Lauren said...

By the way, just click on the image and it will redirect you to the photobucket album with the multiple images. sorry i forgot to note that earlier.

Melanie Mitchell said...

I clicked the Photobucket. It's locked.

Lauren said...

okay, I'm going to upload it to the bfa photobucket account. Sorry, I thought it would work

Lauren said...

okay, nevermind that for some reason it doesn't have an uploading section on the ucf photobucket. I'll just try printing them for tomorrow. unless someone can tell me what the easiest way to get these photos up here without taking up so much space on the blog. sorry

Sean said...

Try editing the post. Instead of using html, there should be a little picture icon. You can then just upload your picture to Blogger and not have to worry about hosting it.

Anonymous said...

Oh man that was totally my fault with the photobucket site. I set it up and there's a different password for uploading. If you need to upload anything, the password is 'ucfbfa07'