Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Alright, come up with a (or some) title for the exhibition. If you missed class, the theme is bringing the outdoors: indoors.


Sean said...

Well, I think some of the names being tossed around were:
Dirty Work

Melanie Mitchell said...

Wasn't it Reclaim/ation?

I like them both. But I think Dirty Work hints at a theme and if someone reads the title on a poster or in the paper, they might get interested. (Not to say they couldn't with the other though...I'm not sure if we want to hint at the theme or not.)

Sean said...


Melanie Mitchell said...



Sarah Alderman said...

"undergrowth" is good.
I thought of "Alt Ex" (for alternative exhibition).

DBranchaud said...

I also like Sean's suggestion of "Undergrowth". It implies other things aside from nature and outdoors, like a suggestion of an inner humanity, which I believe is apparent in a lot of the work being done by those in this class. At least, that's my personal assumption.

Theo said...

What about phrases or words associated with "emergence." Or: "new growth"?

Theo said...

Or what about the idea of "Grass Roots?"

Hayley said...

(as in surfacing)but also works because we are very much about changing surfaces

"crop up"

jessiemason said...

I actually have a friend who comes up with slogans and things for a living in miami. He suggested Pardon Our Dust and Portfoliation.

Steve Naumann said...

I really like the way undergrowth sounds. The potential complexity of the meaning is great! The only related things I could come up with is chaparral.

Daniel said...


Steve Naumann said...

I think we should do the "colon" thing like Theo suggested. undergrowth: an experiment in grass roots...etc.

Kretzer said...

I thought the colon idea was a joke? Only because it's used so much in "ironic" ways.

Theo said...

Colon? Did I say that? Chris, I think you mean ..in such a "colonic" way.

What we're trying to do here is to come up with a conceptual identity that might also point to solutions for things like the installation and the promotion. We've latched on to the "sod solution" (is that the only solution for the dirt floor problem?) which is what is driving the indoor/outdoor ideas.

Perhaps we should be discussing how any of these proposed title ideas point to specific aspects (purpose, challenges, etc) of the event-- i.e., a title like "Grass Roots" implies the do-it-yourself nature of our problem, as well as the sod solution.

Any thoughts about some of the other titles floated out? I do like "Earth Tones"--refers to sod as well as to "color" and "value": Art terms.

What about "Undergrowth?" There's something there too. If we do the sod-thing, this title seems somewhat ironic (which can be a good thing) since the grass is really an artificial veneer to cover the construction site (I hate to call that dirt, or earth, b/c I doubt it would sustain any growth...)

I''d like to hear more ideas from you guys.

jessiemason said...

From the thesaurus
gaining ground
and just for the fun of it, covering ground and when nature calls

Melanie Mitchell said...

Ok, I think we need to make some deadlines for this: Everyone have at least one title idea submitted by Saturday, then we will vote (nominate, whatever) we like by Monday. Monday we can tally up the most popular three, vote on those and have ONE chosen for Tuesday. Does this sound like a good idea?

Sean said...

This is one I just thought of..I'll have more coherent ideas tomorrow.


Kretzer said...

"colonics" all around!

Thanks Theo.

Sarah Alderman said...

"Gaining ground" is great. That is ultimately what we are doing (or trying to do) here. It has many layers of meaning there... literally and figuratively.

cristina_o said...

"redefining topography"

Melanie Mitchell said...

I agree with Sarah.

Kretzer said...

"Gaining Ground" sounds pretty good. Anyone else have any other ideas? There are a lot of people we haven't heard from yet.

DBranchaud said...

I still like "undergrowth". Probably because it reminds me of a Robert Frost poem. heh.

Mark Brinton said...

I think "Gaining Ground" is a fitting title.

Anonymous said...

I like the ideas that are being passed around, but I don't have any of my own as of yet. I'd go for Gaining Ground or Undergrowth.

jessica said...

i like 'raw space'

Lauren said...

Here are some words that were shouted out in class. I liked how these worked together

Exposed surface: Emerging potential
Exposed and Emerging

jessiemason said...

My favorites are
dirty work
gaining ground
pardon our dust

jessica said...

are we definately covering the floorspace with sod? what the hell is sod anyway. this title wont work if the ground isnt directly related. what about just 'RAW' it relates to the space and us as artists

Melanie Mitchell said...

Alright, we need to narrow these down. Refer to the new post and comment with your favorite choice (singular) and then from there we will narrow it down to three (unless there is an obvious decision for one) by tomorrow and choose one for Tuesday.

Crystal Pillsbury said...

I like the idea of combining two titles, such as Undergrowth: Gaining Ground . I think it suggests a little more about what we are trying to do and creates a visual. This also kills two birds with one stone by combining the top two favorite titles.