Thursday, February 22, 2007

Traditional Promotion

Hey all. Here are some ideas I had for the post card flyer we were going to use for promoting. One idea was is just having simple bold letters "Exposed" and then under that smaller sized "A 30-Artist Takeover" on a black background. Not sure what colors to use for the text should be. But also including the logo (since we decided on creating one). Another idea was to have an image of "Exposed" on a piece of paper that is partially covered in dirt (like a drawing or photograph of this) and possibly using some real dirt on parts the image. I like this idea better, the first one just seems so boring and people may just toss it or overlook it, but I didn't know if some may prefer a basic look.

The back side of the card would just have our basic information. White background, with the title, subtitle, logo, website, location and time. Should we have all the participants names? Also, I wasn't sure if we were going to mailing these out or just passing them out to different locations. If we are mailing, then we would have to have a space for addresses and postage.


bianca said...

I think on the website we are going to have a list of all the names and an image of the art itself. It would take up most of the space on the card to have each artists name on it. If we are going to mail it we need to figure out how many we are going to mail and what information is the most important. Also prices of the card, also stamps to add that up and budget it for what we have to spend. The idea for the card is great because it gives us something to hand out at the show and pass around.

Hayley said...

even though there are a lot of us, and our names would take up a lot of space, i think its important to include all of them on the card. its obviously easier to look at a card in hand than to reference the website just to see the artists involved.

jscar said...

if i were reading a card with 30 names on it, i am fairly certain that i would simply skip the names and look for information more directly pertinent to me (do i want to go? why? if i do, where is it? when? etc.). my vote goes to no names. also, i feel we should be selective about how many cards we actually mail out. i.e. people that we could be confident would bring both themselves and others.

DBranchaud said...

I do intend to put names on the website; I'll add a post shortly asking for info.

jessica said...

i made up two different flyer designs, i will bring them to class on tuesday so everyone can see them