Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Please try to think about whether you would like to contribute with promotion and advertising, etc., work on construction, or something else you think is important to contribute and let us know here!


Melanie Mitchell said...

I would like to focus on construction, gathering any types of construction materials, and setting up.

Sarah Alderman said...

My strong point will be in construction with some building experience. I am willing to make floating walls, figure out some way to hang lights and to see about getting some sod. I have an auger and posthole diggers, a large flatbed trailer and a truck to pull it (and to risk over-kill here: I have a small tractor as well). I also have a trailer that is mostly enclosed.

jessiemason said...

I'm accident prone, i'll do advertising. I saw a car with magnets advertising a chinese food delivery place, we could make ones with date location of the show and put it on our cars. Don't know about cost maybe our Kinkos friend would know?

Anonymous said...

I will help where I'm needed... I can't take command when it comes to construction but I'm ready to help with any labor that needs to be done. Same with advertising

Steve Naumann said...

I think I will be able to contribute most to the construction team. I have experience building and laying sod. I have some tools and a truck that I'll volunteer. I am available at nights and all day saturdays. I'm really stoked for this show and want to contribute as much as possible. I'm willing to do labor: lifting, moving, building...etc. Let me know what needs to get done and I'll do my best to help.

Kretzer said...

It seems we have a good handle construction (laborwise), but I'm still more than willing to help in that field.

I can also help in promotion, but I think we need to get a group together soon to decided in what way we will attack it.

I'm able to help in about any way and fashion.

Melanie Mitchell said...

I think the important idea here is to make groups to work on things. Anyone else who wants to work on promotion should join up with Chris and start discussing ideas.

Sean said...

I'm down for construction. It's probably going to be a ton of work to prepare the space(s), so the more help the better. I think everyone would be able to help with at least some part of publicity, even if it means just hanging flyers around. But I'll help in any way I can.

Amanda said...

I'm willing to help in any area that needs it... I don't know much about construction but I can take direction well... I can also do whatever is needed for pomotions... maybe we should set up times to meet outside of class to start planning?

jessiemason said...

I'll also help with setting up installation/performance work if any wants to do that and of course hanging up stuff and transportation. I'm staying far away from fragile sculpture though =)

mike_repp said...

I will help out with construction and labor when the time comes. I am also willing to do my share of the publicity.

Lauren said...

I think I would be more helpful with promotion, however, if I'm needed to help with construction I'm a fast learner--just let me know what I can do. I have access to various tools. So if there is something specific that most people wouldn't own, my dad or boyfriend may have it.

DBranchaud said...

I am pretty much with everyone else as far as helping out in whatever way I'm needed. I have a Rav4, it's pretty small, but I will offer it up for transportation of goods and/or passengers. And I have a lot of free time, for the most part, outside of class.
I'll help with Promotions, since construction seems covered.

jessica said...

chris, i will be in the promotion group

jessica said...

i can also help wherever there needs help though too

jessica said...

we can get the flyers and posters done at kinkos with my employee discount, but are we getting into any other promotion other than those two things??

Melanie Mitchell said...

Well, I discussed with some people the idea of using the space upstairs for the week or two before the show to promote in the windows with lights or something else that can create a large display and people can see while driving around.

Nicolette Ross said...

I could definately do both promotion and construction. I will help print posters and flyers, as well as distribution.Are we hand printing posters?! Art Systems can also do large format copying/printing and I can probably cut a deal for us.I have a large truck to use for hauling materials.

cristina_o said...

I can do both, promotion and construction but would probably be able to dedicate more time to promotion. I have a pretty crazy shedule and doubt that i would be able to go the site all that much.

jscar said...

i'm down for the promotions committee. there are several things that we should be getting on top of fairly soon, but of course these things will be discussed once a group is formed. i have some background here, and thus far it seems like most people are interested in construction. holler at me in class and we can start forming the promo team.

Kretzer said...

I'll join the promo team. I'd like to focus mainly on that. But I'll also help with the construction.

Big Wedge said...

I should just copy and paste someone's construction comment, lol. It's all I can think about! I just wanna go down there with a group, and start cleaning it up! I really want to start asap, so we can start fixin' some of the little problems we're gonna run into. And I'm almost done getting a leave of absence from work. After that, I'll have PLENTY of time to make stuff! I'm SO DAMN EXCITED!!

C.A.W. said...

I have a lot of background in construction so I'm going to lay that down as my major contribution, but can also help distribute promos and profos.

Nargges said...

I can help in both groups.

Hayley said...

count me in on promotional aspects. i think we need to turn out a press release asap.
nicolette, i like your idea about hand printed posters. we need really need to nail down a title so designs for posters etc can get underway.