Thursday, February 22, 2007

Proposed Floor Plans

Sorry to clog up this main page with a bunch of images, but I don't think I can post them as a comment to an already started thread. Anyway, these are a few floor plan ideas. I tried to keep in mind that we should probably be taking advantage of any outside light from the street, so in most of the designs the partitions will mainly run perpendicular to the front windows. The proportions are roughly to scale and each graph paper square represents approx. 2ft. The partitions are in sizes divisible by 8 ft, because that is the longest dimension of a standard sheet of plywood. This will limit the amount of cutting we will have to do and subsequent waste. The floor plans were designed with the intention of being able to display work on the existing walls (exposed beams). If for some reason we are not allowed to do that, we can try to construct partitions that will run along the walls. I also tried to leave sufficient open floor space for the display of 3-D work.

When I spoke with Theo about the placement of partitions he said that people generally do not want to enter a show and immediately understand the entire space and what they are looking at, so on some of the designs there is a partition parallel to and about 10 ft from the entrance that will act as sort of an obstruction to seeing the entire show at once. We could either display the show name or work on it.

These are just some rough ideas, so please let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions. Thanks!


Melanie Mitchell said...

I like the last one the best. It allows for more sections and grouped off areas instead of long lines of work in a row.

cristina_o said...

i agree, the last one facilitated easy movement.

Sarah Alderman said...

I like the last one too... but we priced plywood vs. drywall and drywall won hands down. They are 4x8' and 4x12'. I don't know how that will change your layouts.

C.A.W. said...

I like the last one but perhaps even less partitions - maybe minus 2 to allow for a couple larger areas on the floor that will facilitate 3D work without walls that will distract.

Sean said...

I think the last one is the best too. However, if we're using (or are able to use) the walls, I don't think that many partitions are needed. I did a rough estimate of how much actual wall space we need for everyone's work (based on what people have posted so far), and we'll need at least 78 ft for the work alone. So, plenty of space on the walls, even if we double that amount for hanging issues. (The available wall space is ~164 ft, and we'd be around ~156ft.)
How's this for an idea...not worrying about the walls and just constructing and using the partitions? In the last design, using only partitions would give us 144ft of space for hanging. 3d work can easily places around the partitions.
Also, are we planning on having a boardwalk? If so, that will heavily factor in the designs.
Personally, I think having only partitions would be much more interesting, creating a labyrinth effect, and would elliminate the question of whether we can use the walls.

jessiemason said...

Yah 3rd and last

bianca said...

The last one has the most 2-D space. If everyone decided to hang only 3 or less we may have more wall space and no pieces. Everyone should post the max they want to hang, we can cut down the number after that. I don't think we want to run into issues later with a lack of art on the walls. The big issue is if we have use of the actual walls.

Big Wedge said...

I don't think the last drawing is taking the existing cement sidewalk into account. I don't know how that's gonna work with the posts we're gonna be digging... Maybe we can get permission to drill the posts into the wall, and just chop off two feet or so, to keep them level. I don't know why I didn't see it before..!