Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sorry, I know it feels like I’m backtracking here, but I’m also thinking of the possibilities throughout the process. For those who weren’t there, we did a quick poll to see about the top 3 names offered, and there was a tie between Gaining Ground and Undergrowth.

Really, what’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name
would smell as sweet. We all are going to show our work, and the name in itself doesn’t much matter. Your own parents will, at the show, misquote the name of the very event they’re attending.

But, the process by which we market it does make a difference.

Take for instance, Raw and Dirty. It’s provocative all by itself. I could envision an advertisement as simple as

Raw and Dirty.

No other information. Especially not “art show” anywhere on that. Having some experience in printmaking, I’m thinking of printing glue or some sort of adhesive, even ink would work, then flocking (sprinkling) it with dirt and detritus.

Or, using Mr. Acconci’s method of using a thesaurus, I started at emerge, and ended at Coming to Light. This just screams to exploit the ambiguity of the title, and can be done in a number of ways. Advertisements could picture a seed coming to the light. A low-lit space could work, with small spotlights on the work itself. We could bring people in by using LED throwies on the sidewalks. There’s a lot of stuff that could come from this.


Mike Schweizer said...

Oops...I didn't mean to post that just yet. But that's the basic gist of it. And, I don't know why it's not letting me link off of this site. But anyway, here's the address of that link.


They're cheap. Wouldn't even necessarily need the rare earth magnets.

Melanie Mitchell said...

I thought it would be a good idea to use the space upstairs (the windows) to advertise too. For instance: spelling out words with lights that we can leave up for one or two weeks ahead of the show and anyone downtown will be able to see it/them.

--also, myself, I think it would be more exciting if the whole messy space and earth-esque theme were a surprise (i.e. the advertisements were simple and clean and didn't show any kind of dirty or plant-like details)...but then again, I don't know if we would attract more attention promoting that (dirty) idea.

jessica said...

i like mikes layout for the flyer. raw and dirty sounds good to me for the title. i think the idea is floating around and none of us really grasped it yet. if we really want to commit to bringing the outdoors indoors then i think it can really happen.

there is a theme of emerging that relates to us as artists, perhaps the press release can talk about this. the flyer should be double sided and on the other side like in a paragraph form we can list everyones names.

Steve Naumann said...

I think Mike's idea for the flyer and promotion are great. It's nice to see a more developed thought, with details, ideas and suggestions. The LED throwies are a rad idea as well. I know we can get LED's and batteries at skycraft in abundance, and if we tell them what we are about, they might cut us some kind of deal.

I think we should definitely use the ideas of dirty and raw for promotion.

Daniel said...

3 points:

1. Mike's ideas are great. I was a fan of Dirty Work, and Raw and Dirty works in a similar way, but it feels more graphic, for better or worse. I don't think the possible movie references that Dirty Work has pose any threat. But either way it doesn't really matter, since an idea like a sprinkled-dirt flyer is pretty ingenious anyway.

Coming to Light, also great. But I don't think the dirt floor should be a surprise to visitors (unless they want a surprise). I think it should be hinted at somehow in either the graphics for the promotion or the title itself.

2. My problem with Undergrowth, is that the only thing that is literally "growing" would be the sod, right? I feel like we're putting the whole metaphor for our own growth on something too cheap.

Also, I've noticed that whenever anyone has tried to explain "Undergrowth", they sort of hunch over and make their hands into claws... it just feels stale.

3. I think Sodism stands a chance. Or the French version, Sodismé. It's kind of an unwieldy joke for all of us, unfortunately, but to pretend we've started a new art movement would be great.

Lauren said...

I agree with Jessica that we need a way to bring the idea of emergence into the overall picture. And I think having the advertisement with simple information is a good idea also so that possible visitors would be curious. I voted on Gaining Ground out of the 3, because I felt that we as new artists were taking hold of this show and working with what we have, somehow trying to conquer it in a way and gaining experience. But I can see using Raw also, like saying "here it is, this is us" and also using it in terms of our space.

Sean said...

I'm really not feeling Raw and Dirty. It just sounds a little cheesy. Same for Sodism, and I guess undergrowth. Maybe they've all been talked to death. But Mike has some great suggestions for the press release, and I'm of the opinion that less is more.
I've been trying to come up with some variations of our "big three" choices, and I've thought of "New Territory", basically a riff on Gaining Ground. We're breaking new ground, literally and figuratively.

Or maybe something something with Potential, or hope.

Raw Potential?

Daniel said...

I think the word "potential" is yawn-inducing, and unfortunately, so is "territory", though "New Territory" sounds at least as good as "Gaining Ground".

I like:
1. Dirty Work
2. Coming to Light
3 Raw and Dirty
4. New Territory/Gaining Ground

Melanie Mitchell said...

I think Raw Potential sounds great. It's my favorite thus far. It allows the description of us in both words and hints at the theme without getting to specific about grass, or dirt. Let's get excited tonight and really make some major decisions so we can not only move to the next level, but LEVELS! I'm looking forward to good communication and cooperation from everyone so we can start off on a good foot!